Vocab 29 Jan 2018

Vocab 29 Jan 2018

1) Unfettered (adjective)  (निरंकुश) : un-fet-er
Meaning – release from restraint or inhibition.
Synonyms –  unconfined, unrestricted, free.
Antonyms –  restricted, fettered
Example -The freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution have never been unfettered.

2) Rousing (adjective) (गर्मजोशी) : rau-zing
Meaning – giving rise to excitement/making people feel excited and proud or ready to take action
Synonyms –  stimulating, stirring, inspiring
Antonyms –  dull, half-hearted
Example – Prime Minister delivered arousing speech on ‘clean India, green India and it made citizens of the country more responsible towards cleanliness of their country.

3) Proximity (noun) (निकटता) : proxi-miti
Meaning – the nearness of one thing or person to another / nearness in space, time, or relationship.
Synonyms-: closeness, nearness, presence, juxtaposition, propinquity
Antonyms – distance, remoteness
Example – Because of the town’s proximityto the dangerous forest, its property values are really low.

4) Foray (noun)  (प्रयास) : fo-ray
Meaning – an initial attempt at something, an attempt at doing something new or something that you do not usually do.
Synonyms – attempt, effort, struggle
Antonyms – inactivity, laziness, idleness, immobility
Example – Tired of being lonely, Rachel decided to try a foray into the realm of online friendship.

5) Forge (verb)  (बनाना) : forj
Meaning – to form or create something new
Synonyms – build, form, create.
Antonyms – abolish, destroy, eradicate
Example – The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America’s new leader.

6) Articulate (verb) (स्पष्ट) : art-e-kul-ate
Meaning – expressing oneself clearly
Synonyms –  express, communicate, state/announce.
Antonyms –  inarticulate, hesitant, unintelligible
Example – A polished speaker, Narendra was able to articulate his points during any discussion.

6) Reap (verb) (काटन ा, फल भोगना) : reep
Meaning -cut or gather (a crop or harvest) / receive (something, especially something beneficial) as a consequence of one’s own or another’s actions.
Synonyms –  Receive, obtain, get, acquire, secure
Antonyms – plant, seed, lose
Example -The company is poised to reapthe benefits of this investment”

8)  Unaligned (adjective) (असंबद्ध) : un-alien-d
Meaning – not allied with or giving support to a particular organization or cause/not placed or arranged in a straight line
Synonyms –  uncommitted,detached,unassociated
Antonyms – associated, aligned, accommodate
Example – Not every voter declares allegiance to a political party, but even those unaligned voters have a dizzying array of names to choose from.’

9) Consensus(noun)  (आम सहमति) : con-sen-sus
Meaning – general agreement about something
Synonyms –  agreement, harmony, Concord
Antonyms – :disagreement,conflict,argument
Example – If the politicians cannot reach aconsensus on the energy bill in the next few hours, they will have to continue their discussion after the holiday break.

10)In sync (phrase)  (मेल में) : in-sinc
Meaning –  in a state in which two or more people or things agree with or match one another and work together properly
Synonyms – synchronize, in agreement, together
Antonyms – apart,nonconcurrent
Example – The President is not in syncwith the concerns of the people.

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