Vocabulary of The Hindu : 6 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 6 March 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 6 March 2018   1)Fugitive (adjective) ( भ्रष्टाचार): pro-fli-gay-ci Meaning – quick to disappear; fleeting/an individual who is fleeing incarceration or a threatening situation Synonyms – transient, transitory, ephemeral, evanescent Antonyms – permanent, long-lasting Example – As he daydreamed, fugitive thoughts passed through his mind. 2)Forfeiture (noun)

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 5 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 5 March 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 5 March 2018 1)Profligacy (noun) ( भ्रष्टाचार,अय्याशी): pro-fli-gay-ci Meaning – reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources/ wildly extravagance/shamelessly immoral Synonyms – recklessness, profusion, exorbitance, harlotry, lecherousness Antonyms – economical,frugality,lack Example – During the prime minister’s campaign, he swore to put an end to fiscal

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 3 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 3 March 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 3 March 2018 1)Miff(Noun)( मनमुटाव): Mi-f Meaning – a petty quarrel (Noun) / to annoy by ill humor (Verb) Synonyms – displease, offend, aggravation, anger, annoyance, bother Antonyms -satisfaction appeasement, mollification, pacification Example – She was miffed that he’d forgotten her name. 2)Dissident (Noun)( मतभेद करनेवाला): disi-dent

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 2 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 2 March 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 2 March 2018 1)Redux (adjective) (उच्चता,महानता): re-dux Meaning – brought back/Something that happens all over again Synonyms – revived, restored, retain Antonyms – Abolish,scrap, end, stop, terminate, eradicate Example – The 1980’s retro fashion redux has become fashionable again. 2)Dip (verb) (गिरावट, उतरना,): dip Meaning – sink,

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 1 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 1 March 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 1 March 2018 1)Stature (noun) (उच्चता,महानता): sta-chur Meaning – a level of prestige earned for a deed or achievement Synonyms – reputation, status, prestige Antonyms – disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, ignominy Example – As a five-time Grammy winner, Aretha has a huge stature in the music community. 2)Stint

Vocab The Hindu : 28 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu : 28 Feb 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 28 Feb 2018 1)Effusive (adverb) (असंयत): adju-di-kate Meaning –  showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner/expressing a lot of emotion Synonyms –  gushing, gushy, unrestrained, unreserved, extravagant, fulsome Antonyms – restrained,moderate,sober Example – The boy was effusive in his praise of the judges who awarded him the trophy. 2)Adrift (adjective) (भटकते

Vocab The Hindu : 26 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu : 26 Feb 2018

Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu | 26 Feb 2018 1)Reticence (noun) (अल्पभाषिता): reti-sense Meaning – not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings, wanting to avoid communication /to keep one’s thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself. Synonyms – reserve, introversion, restraint, inhibition, diffidence, shyness, modesty Antonyms- communicative,extrovert,outgoing,unreserved,unrestrained Example – The students who like reticence

Vocab The Hindu : 25 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu : 25 Feb 2018

Challenging Words (25 Feb 2018) In The Article The Hindu 1)Miff(Noun)( मनमुटाव): Mi-f Meaning – a petty quarrel (Noun) / to annoy by ill humor (Verb) Synonyms – displease, offend, aggravation, anger, annoyance, bother Antonyms -satisfaction appeasement, mollification, pacification Example – She was miffed that he’d forgotten her name. 2)Dissident (Noun)( मतभेद करनेवाला): disi-dent Meaning

Vocab The Hindu : 24 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu : 24 Feb 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu 1)Vie (verb) (होड़ करना): vaa-e Meaning – compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something/to take part in a contest or competition Synonyms – compete, contend, contest, struggle, fight, battle Antonyms- agree,aid,assist,help.support Example – After the semifinal matches are complete, the winning teams will vie

Vocab The Hindu : 22 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu : 22 Feb 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu 22 Feb 2018 1)Deliberation (noun) (विवेचना): deli-bur-ashun Meaning – long and careful consideration or discussion,a thorough consideration Synonyms – thought, thinking, consideration, reflection, contemplation Antonyms -haste,carelessness,disregard Example – After hours of deliberation, the council came to a decision. 2)Overture (noun) (प्रस्ताव): over-chur Meaning – an approach or proposal

Vocab The Hindu 17 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu 17 Feb 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu 1)Perpetrate (Noun)( पाप करना): per-pet-rate Meaning -carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action). Synonyms – commit, carry out, perform, execute, do, effect Antonyms -skimp, slight, slur Example – The young man decided to perpetratea crime to show his value to the gang leader. 2)Ostensibly (Noun)(

Vocab The Hindu 16 Feb 2018

Vocab The Hindu 16 Feb 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu   1)Renaissance (Noun)( पुनर्जागरण ): ren-ais-sance Meaning – a renewed interest or rebirth of something Synonyms – resurgence,revitalisation,revival,rebirth,revivification Antonyms – destruction Example – The creation of the Internet brought about a renaissance in communication. 2)Endowed (Verb )( संपन्): en-do-d Meaning – supplied or furnished with Synonyms – bless,