Vocabulary of The Hindu : 31 July 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 31 July 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 31 July  2018

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

1. HITHERTO (ADVERB): (विगत रूप से): previously
Synonyms: formerly, earlier
Antonyms: later, after
Example sentence: I confess that I have hitherto indulged very little in my other ventures.

2. DEPRAVE (VERB): (विकृत): bestialize
Synonyms: brutalize, debase
Antonyms: improve, purify
Example sentence: This novel would deprave young children.

3. DECRIPITUDE (NOUN): (जीर्णता): decay
Synonyms: feebleness, infirmity
Antonyms: strength, energy
Example sentence: Geeta had passed directly from middle age into decrepitude.

4. EXTOL (VERB): (बडाई करना/ प्रशंसा करना): glorify
Synonyms: applaud, celebrate
Antonyms: castigate, criticize
Example: Prabhat extolled the virtues of the Russians.

5. SACK (NOUN): (ननकाल देना): desecrate
Synonyms: demolish, devastate
Antonyms: build, construct
Example sentence: Chetan sacked his ideology thoroughly.

6. EBB (NOUN): (प्रतीपगमन): regression
Synonyms: abatement, backflow
Antonyms: improvement, growth
Example sentence: His mind was filled with umpteen questions.

7. INQUEST (NOUN): (तहकीकात): investigation
Synonyms: probe, examination
Antonyms: conclusion, findings
Example sentence: There was an inquest by New York newspapers into Manchester Arena attack.

8. RESTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (बेचैन): impatient
Synonyms: fractious, restless
Antonyms: easy-going, patient
Example sentence: Why are you getting so restive person.

9. REHASH (VERB): (पुरानी सामग्री को नया रूप देना): restate
Synonyms: reuse, change
Antonyms: deny, refuse
Example sentence: Rahul Vaidya endlessly rehashes old songs of Kumar Sanu.

10. FRIVOLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्णतापूर्ण): foolish
Synonyms: idiotic, impractical
Antonyms: intelligent, sensible
Example sentence: He is such a frivolous man

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

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daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym,

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