Vocabulary of The Hindu : 22 March 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 22 March 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 22 March 2018

1) Confabulation (noun) (बातचीत): con-fabu-lay-shun
Meaning – an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issue/friendly, informal conversation or an instance of this
Synonyms- debate, discussion, discourse, conversation,argument, back-and-forth, colloquy
Antonyms- Listening, quiet, silence
Example – We began our confabulation with that traditional icebreaker: an innocuous discussion of the weather.

2) Moot (सुझाव देना, प्रश्न उठाना): moot
Meaning – raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility) [Verb]/ subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty[Adjective]/having little or no practical relevance,having no real point [Adjective]
Synonyms- raise, bring up, broach, mention, put forward, introduce, advance, present, propose
Antonyms- elucidate, explain, spell out, delineate, describe, irrefutable, definite, unambiguous
Example – Richard was the first to moot the idea of book writing to his brother two years ago. (suggest (an idea or possibility)
Whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point. (subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty)
It’s a moot point whether men or women are better drivers. (having no real point)

3) Concede (verb) –(स्वीकार करना): con-cede
Meaning – admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it/surrender or yield (a possession, right, or privilege).
Synonyms- admit, acknowledge, accept, allow, grant, recognize
Antonyms- deny, contradict, repudiate
Example – The police will concede to the kidnapper’s demands if the hostages are released.

4) Resonance (noun) (गूंज): reso-nance
Meaning – that which causes something to be significant to an individual/the quality that makes emotions, memories & etc.
Synonyms- orotund, resounding, reverberant
Antonyms- cavernous, hollow faint, low, murmurous, muted, smothered, soft, weak
Example – Because Rick was born into a family of millionaires, he felt no resonance with the homeless man’s story.

5) Pretence (noun) (दिखावा): pre-ten-ce
Meaning – an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true/a claim to have a particular skill or quality.
Synonyms- simulation, falsification, dissimulation, invention, imagination, self-deception
Antonyms- reality, honesty
Example – His anger is masked by a pretence that all is well.

6) Non-committal (adjective) (कपटपूर्ण): non-kami-tal
Meaning – not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or course of action.
Synonyms- evasive,careful, equivocal, temporizing, guarded, circumspect, reserved
Antonyms- revealing, careless, indiscreet
Example – Until the test results come in, the doctor is going to remain noncommittal on his patient’s diagnosis.

Idioms/Phrases/Phrasal Verbs in the Article:

7) At the mercy of (phrase) (की दया पर):
Meaning – completely in the power of.
Synonyms- in the power of, under/in the control of, in the clutches of, in the palm of someone’s hand, under the heel of
Antonyms- free, independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling,
Example – When you’re a minor, you’re totally at the mercy of your parents.

8) Prop up (phrasal verb) (phrase) (संभालना, सहारा देना)):
Meaning – to help a government, system, organization etc to continue to exist, especially by providing financial or military support/to stop something from falling by putting something under it or against it
Synonyms- support, help, aid, assist
Antonyms- neglect, abandon, undermine

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