Vocabulary of The Hindu : 20 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 20 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 20 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. ODIUM (NOUN): loathing:(घृणा) Synonyms: abhorrence, disgust Antonyms: affection, liking Example Sentence: After getting out of prison, the child molester still had to deal with odium from his neighbors. 2. METTLE (NOUN): (दिलेरी) boldness Synonyms: fortitude, spunk Antonyms: timidity, cowardice Example

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 19 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 19 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 19 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. SNITCH (VERB): reveal:(प्रकट करना) Synonyms: divulge, evince Antonyms: conceal, suppress Example Sentence: She is going to snitch her secret. 2. HUSTLER (NOUN): criminal:(अपराधी) Synonyms: desperado, felon Antonyms: police, law Example Sentence: He is the denounced hustler of this locality. 3.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 17 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 17 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 17 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. IGNOMINIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपयशपूर्ण) humiliating Synonyms: embarrassing, disgraceful Antonyms: respectable, honorable Example Sentence: The family was very embarrassed about their son’s ignominious behavior at the gathering. 2. CYNIC (NOUN): (निंदक) nonbeliever Synonyms: doubter, skeptic Antonyms: believer, optimist Example Sentence: She is

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 16 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 16 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 16 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. Word: Fickle (अस्थिर) Pronunciation: fik-uhl/फिकल Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties or affections. Synonyms: capricious, changeable, variable, volatile Antonyms: stable, constant, steady Use in a Sentence: The group has been notoriously fickle in the

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 15 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 15 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 15 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. JUNTA (NOUN): (समिति) council Synonyms: faction, cabal Antonyms: single, individual Example Sentence: After the dictator died the country was taken over by a junta of former officials. 2. LAY DOWN (VERB): (आदेश देना) command Synonyms: impose, order Antonyms: implore, request

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 14 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 14 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 14 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. Word: Cryptic (रहस्यमय) Pronunciation: Cryptic/Cryptic Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: a. having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure. Synonyms: enigmatic, mysterious, hard to understand, confusing Antonyms: obvious, clear, definite Use in a Sentence: I received a cryptic message through

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 13 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 13 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 13 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. JETTISON (VERB): (निकाल फ़ेकना) throw overboard Synonyms: dump, discard Antonyms: hold, keep Example sentence: I will keep the good experiences and jettison the bad ones, before I leave this city. 2. FURNISH (VERB): (देना) provide Synonyms: dispense, issue Antonyms: receive,

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 12 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 12 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 12 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. SQUABBLE (NOUN): (लड़ाई/झगड़ा) argument Synonyms: altercation, difference Antonyms: accord, similarity Example Sentence: I don’t want to be engaged in the family squabbles. 2. PERTURBED (ADJECTIVE): (क्षुब्ध) troubled Synonyms: restless, flustered Antonyms: untroubled, unworried Example Sentence: Even during this perturbed time

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 10 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 10 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 10 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. OPPRESSION (NOUN): (उत्पीड़न) misery Synonyms: despotism, maltreatment Antonyms: kindness, affection Example Sentence: Pakistan is nation that is known for its oppression. 2. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर) Harsh Synonyms: cruel, oppressive Antonyms: easy, gentle Example Sentence: Your master is a draconian man.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 9 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 9 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 9 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. Word: Enumerate (गणना करना) Pronunciation: ih-noo-muh-reyt/इनूमरैट Part of Speech: Verb Meaning: a. mention (a number of things) one by one. b. establish the number of. Synonyms: calculate, compute, count Antonyms: estimate, countless Use in a Sentence: I enumerate the work

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 6 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 6 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 6 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. ARCHAIC (ADJECTIVE): (प्राचीन) old and no longer useful Synonyms: primitive, old-fashioned Antonyms: modern, up-to-date Example Sentence: In comparison to portable laptop typewriters are archaic. 2. HUSTLER (NOUN): (अपराधी व्यक्ति) criminal Synonyms: desperado, felon Antonyms: police, law Example Sentence: He is

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 5 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 5 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 5 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. Word: Reluctance (अनिच्छा) Part of Speech: Noun Pronunciation: ri-luhk-tuh ns/रीलक्टन्स Meaning: unwillingness or disinclination to do something. Synonyms: unwillingness, hesitation, dislike Antonyms: alacrity, enthusiasm Use in a Sentence: Her reluctance to answer my queries made me doubtful.   2. Word:

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 4 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 4 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 4 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. DEMURE (ADJECTIVE): (संकोची) Reserved Synonyms: Timid, Reticent Antonyms: Bold, Brave Example Sentence: Swastika is too outgoing for anyone to ever accuse her of being demure. 2. DEFILE (VERB): (मैला कर देना) To make impure or dirty Synonyms: Contaminate, Degrade Antonyms:

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 3 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 3 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 3 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. PERUSE (VERB): Examine:(अवलोकन करना) Synonyms: Scrutinize, Inspect Antonyms: Ignore, Overlook Example Sentence: The case history was being perused by the FBI. 2. HOSTILITY (NOUN): antagonism:(द्वेष) Synonyms: aggression, meanness Antonyms: friendship, goodwill Example Sentence: Their hostility is to all outsiders. 3.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 2 November 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 2 November 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 2 November 2018 All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/ 1. RESUSCITATE (VERB): revive:(पुनर्जीवित करना) Synonyms: energies, invigorate Antonyms: destroy, bore Example Sentence: An ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him. 2. ACQUISITION (NOUN): obtaining:(अभिग्रहण) Synonyms: gain, receiving Antonyms: loss, failure Example Sentence: There was an acquisition among travel agents. 3. OPPRESS