Vocabulary of The Hindu : 14 April 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 14 April 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 14 April  2018 1. IRREFRANGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): definite Synonyms: indisputable, undeniable Antonyms: dubious, refutable Example Sentence: Planck’s theory is irrefrangible. 2. VESTIGE (NOUN): hint Synonyms: clue, trace Antonyms: ignorance, callowness Example Sentence: A remnants of half lit cigarette butts were the vestige of fresh fugitive. 3. SECEDE (VERB):

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 13 April 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 13 April 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 13 April  2018 1. IMMURE (VERB): confine Synonyms: incarcerate, imprison Antonyms: release, let go Example Sentence: Garry was immured in an asylum. 2. INHIBITED (ADJECTIVE): constrained Synonyms: repressed, reserved Antonyms: extroverted, outgoing Example Sentence: He was an inhibited soul. 3. TENURE (NOUN): time in a position of

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 12 April 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 12 April 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 12 April  2018 1) Reluctance (noun) (अनिच्छा): re-luc-tance Meaning– unwillingness or disinclination to do something. Synonyms- unwillingness, disinclination, hesitation, diffidence, timidity, timorousness, trepidation Antonyms- willingness, eagerness Example-Ministers have shown extreme reluctance to explain their points to the media. 2) Assuage (verb) (शांत करना): as-u-age Meaning–to provide relief;

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 11 April 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 11 April 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 11 April  2018 1) Perceptible (adjective) (ध्यान देने योग्य): per-sep-tible Meaning– Able to be seen or noticed. Synonyms- noticeable, perceivable, detectable, discernible Antonyms- Imperceptible, inconspicuous Example-The perceptible tremor in the old man’s hands caught the doctor’s attention. 2) Sermonize (verb) (राय व्यक्त करना): ser-mo-nize Meaning– Deliver an

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 09 April 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 09 April 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 9 April  2018 1) Laxity (noun) (ढील): lax-ity Meaning – lack of strictness or care/the state of being relaxed, easy-going, or not very strict Synonyms-: negligence, neglect, omission, indiscretion, slackness, inattention. Antonyms – vigilance, caution, attention, alacrity, heed Example – The prevalent laxity toward examination caused Raman