Vocabulary of The Hindu : 8 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 8 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 8 June  2018 1. DOWNHILL (ADJECTIVE): (अधोगामी) descending Synonyms: dropping, declining Antonyms: ascending, rising Example Sentence: This car has a downhill cost in the market. 2. DIRGEFUL (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजिक) depressing Synonyms: crestfallen, dolorous Antonyms: gleeful, elated Example Sentence: His failure is a dirgeful moment for us. 3.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 7 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 7 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 7 June  2018 1. Word: Hype (प्रचार) Pronunciation: hahyp/हाइप Part of Speech: Verb Meaning: promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its benefits. Synonyms: advertise, push, boost Antonyms: put down, secrecy, degrade Use in a Sentence: We are seeing a lot of hype by

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 6 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 6 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 6 June  2018 1. PLOWED (ADJECTIVE): (जोता हुआ) cultivated Synonyms: furrowed, tilled Antonyms: recovered, instilled Example Sentence: Anuj plowed into him, nearly knocking him down. 2. SLAPPED (ADJECTIVE): (अधिरोपित) hard hit/imposed Synonyms: beaten, pat Antonyms: avoided, saved Example Sentence: He was slapped by the disaster. 3. EVAPORATE

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 5 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 5 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 5 June  2018 1. INSTIL (VERB): (डालना) inject Synonyms: infuse, implant Antonyms: eradicate, extract Example Sentence: The instructor tried to instil fear in the students. 2. ENCROACH (VERB): (अधिक्रमण करना) violate Synonyms: trespass, infringe Antonyms: shun, abide Example Sentence: As the forests continue to be destroyed for

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 4 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 4 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 4 June  2018 1. MONGER (NOUN): (बेचनेवाला) vendor Synonyms: peddler, trader Antonyms: customer, consumer Example Sentence: Aniruddha is a fishmonger. 2. UPHOLD (VERB): (कायम रखना) maintain Synonyms: support, endorse Antonyms: discourage, abandon Example Sentence: Try to uphold the relations in your life. 3. SALVAGE (VERB): (क्षति से

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 3 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 3 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 3 June  2018 1. TITILLATE (VERB): (गुदगुदाना/ उत्तेजित करना) excite Synonyms: stimulate, tantalize Antonyms: bore, disenchant Example Sentence: They are paid to titillate the notorious politician. 2. CONTENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद)quarrelsome Synonyms: combative, belligerent Antonyms: agreeable, enjoyable Example Sentence: She tends to avoid contentious topics of conversation. 3.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 2 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 2 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 2 June  2018 1. COMMEMORATE (VERB): (पुण्यस्मरण करना) pay tribute to Synonyms: salute, honor Antonyms: disregard, dishonor Example Sentence: The victory is commemorated in songs. 2. TERRIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक) horrible Synonyms: terrible, awful Antonyms: wonderful, pleasant Example Sentence: An enormous amount of dust blown by the terrific

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 1 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 1 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 1 June  2018 1. DISPEL (VERB): (दरू करना) allay Synonyms: drive away thought, resolve Antonyms: recall, take in Example Sentence: Nia comforted me so well that all my doubts were immediately dispelled somehow. 2. LAY DOWN (VERB): (आदेश देना) command Synonyms: impose, order Antonyms: implore, request Example

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 31 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 31 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 31 May  2018 1.EXCISION (NOUN): (काटना) cutting Synonyms: ablation, extirpation Antonyms: addition, insertion Example Sentence: The excision of the weed plant was successfully done. 2. EXCRUCIATING (ADJECTIVE): (कष्टदायी) torturous Synonyms: agonizing, grueling Antonyms: calm, mild Example Sentence: This is an excruciating task. 3. ETHOS (NOUN): (मनोवृत्ति) ideology

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 30 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 30 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 30 May  2018 1.EMULATE (VERB): (अनुकरण करना) Follow suit Synonyms: imitate, mimic Antonyms: neglect, ignore Example Sentence: Most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great. 2. MOLLIFY (VERB): (शांत करना) Allay Synonyms: alleviate, ameliorate Antonyms: agitate, irritate Example Sentence: Only Samartha can mollify the prevailing situation. 3.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 29 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 29 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 29 May  2018 1. Word: Reprieve (दण्डविराम करना) Pronunciation: ri-preev/ रीप्रीव Part of Speech: Verb, Noun Meaning: a. cancel or postpone the punishment of (someone, especially someone condemned to death). [Verb] b. a cancellation or postponement of a punishment. [Noun] Synonyms: pardon, let off, rescue Antonyms: punish,

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 28 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 28 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 28 May  2018 1. VICISSITUDES (NOUN): (उलटफेर) Change Synonyms: fluctuation, permutation Antonyms: similarity, stability Example Sentence: The vicissitudes of life produced the strongest contrasts of fortune. 2. OBSTREPEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रचंड) Noisy and difficult to control Synonyms: blusterous, boisterous Antonyms: moderate, calm Example Sentence: The class teacher ejected

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 26 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 26 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 26 May  2018 1. Word: Credible (विश्वसनीय) Pronunciation: kred-uh-buh l/क्रेडबल Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: able to be believed; convincing. Synonyms: acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, Antonyms: unbelievable, unlikely, impossible Use in a Sentence: She was unable to give a credible explanation for her rude behaviour. 2. Word: Flare-up

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 25 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 25 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 25 May  2018 1. Strut (verb): Walk in a proud way, with head held high and chest out, as if someone is very important. (अकड़कर चलना, गर्व से चलना) Synonyms: Swagger, Shashay, Flounce, Prance Example: After he won the competition, he began his strut to the winner’s

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 24 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 24 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 24 May  2018 1. Word: Conjecture (अनुमान लगाना) Pronunciation: kuh n-jek-cher/कन्जेक्शर Part of Speech: Noun, Verb Meaning: a. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. [Noun] b. form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information. [Verb] Synonyms: guess,