Vocabulary of The Hindu : 25 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 25 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 25 June  2018 1. ENGULF (VERB): (समा लेना): immerse Synonyms: swamp, submerge Antonyms: drain, parch Example Sentence: I like to submerge my vegetables into a bowl of olive oil before eating them. 2. HEARTRENDING (ADJECTIVE): (प्रेरणादायक): arousing Synonyms: stimulating, inspiring Antonyms: boring, monotonous Example Sentence: His act

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 24 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 24 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 24 June  2018 1. EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): accelerate Synonyms: quicken, hasten Antonyms: delay, retard Example sentence: He was expediting the speed of a car. 2. REMUNERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (लाभप्रद):advantageous Synonyms: gainful, beneficial Antonyms: poorly paid, unprofitable Example sentence: This plan of yours seems remunerative. 3. PROCUREMENT (NOUN):

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 23 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 23 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 23 June  2018 1. MELEE (NOUN): (लड़ाई- भिड़ाई): tumult Synonyms: battle, fight Antonyms: calm, harmony Example Sentence: In the Kumbh fair many pilgrims were injured in the melee. 2. UNFLAPPABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिर): calm Synonyms: composed, relaxed Antonyms: nervous, disconcerted Example Sentence: He is in unflappable state of

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 22 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 22 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 22 June  2018 1. PERVERSION (NOUN): (विकृति): deformity Synonyms: bias, distortion Antonyms: clarity, unbias Example sentence: The thing which most disturbed him was the perversion of nature. 2. PROSECUTION (NOUN): (अभियोजन): lawsuit Synonyms: lawsuit, legal action Antonyms: disputation, centre Example sentence: Our company wishes to avoid prosecution.

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 21 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 21 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 21 June  2018 1. HAUGHTY (ADJECTIVE): (घमंडी): arrogant Synonyms: brash, nervy Antonyms: humble, meek Example Sentence: Dhairya is such a cocky entrepreneur. 2. APATHY (NOUN): (उदासीनता): indifference Synonyms: aloofness, coldness Antonyms: concern, sympathy Example Sentence Avinash is full of apathy. 3. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): (गुप्त): esoteric Synonyms: cabalistic,

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 20 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 20 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 20 June  2018 1. Litany (noun): A tedious recital or repetitive series. / a long record. (एक लंबी और दोहराव सूची) Synonyms: Recitation, Repetition, List, Catalogue, Inventory Example: The criminal’s litany of crimes filled a huge folder in the prosecutor’s office. 2. Subversion (noun): The act of

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 19 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 19 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 19 June  2018 1. Esoteric (adjective): Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge: (जिसे कुछ ही लोग समझ पाएं, गुप्त) Synonyms: Abstruse, Arcane, Recondite, Inscrutable, Cryptic Antonyms: Esoteric, Comprehensible, Perspicuous, Superficial, Shallow Example: Metaphysics is such

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 17 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 17 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 17 June  2018 1. Conglomerate (noun): A large business consisting of several different companies. (कई कं‍पनियों का सम्मिलित व्‍यवसाय) Synonyms: Corporation, Association, Union, Combination, Syndicate, Amalgamation Antonyms: Individual, Disband, Separate, Split Example: The billionaire’s conglomerate includes restaurants, convenience stores, and chain of hotels. 2. Denizens (noun): An

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 16 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 16 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 16 June  2018 1. FOIBLE (NOUN): (चरित्र की दुर्बलता): shortcoming Synonyms: eccentricity, frailty Antonyms: advantage, normality Example Sentence: I can’t let this whole project work go wrong just because of some foible. 2. HUBBUB (NOUN): (शोरगुल): uproar Synonyms: clamour, fuss Antonyms: peace, harmony Example Sentence: The hubbub

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 15 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 15 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 15 June  2018 1. FORETHOUGHT (NOUN): (पूर्व विचार): precaution Synonyms: wariness, prudence Antonyms: carelessness, carefree Example Sentence: Cooking dinner for vegetarians requires plenty of forethought if you usually prepare meat with your meals. 2. PREOCCUPY (VERB): (तल्लीन होना): engross Synonyms: involve, employ Antonyms: distract, eject Example Sentence:

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 14 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 14 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 14 June  2018 1). Diplomacy (Noun) – कूटनीति Definition: the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way. Synonyms: tact, tactfulness, sensitivity, discretion, subtlety, finesse, delicacy Antonyms: ignorance, bad manners, rudeness, impoliteness Usage: with perfect diplomacy, he divided his attention between Meryl and Anthea

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 13 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 13 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 13 June  2018 1. DAUB (VERB): (भद्दा करना): deface Synonyms: smear, smudge Antonyms: cleanse, purify Example Sentence: The criminal daubed the victim’s face. 2. YEARNING (NOUN): (इच्छा): desire Synonyms: aspiration, craving Antonyms: apathy, distaste Example Sentence: I have a yearning to crack the UPSC examination. 3. INCUR

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 12 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 12 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 12 June  2018 1). Rehabilitation (Noun) – पुनर्वास Definition: the action of restoring something that has been damaged to its former condition Synonyms: repair, overhaul, recovery, reclamation, improvement Antonyms: injury, hurt, harm, damage Usage: the rehabilitation of the mangrove forests 2). Fester (Verb) – बदतर या अधिक

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 11 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 11 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 11 June  2018 1. TURMOIL (NOUN): (शोरगुल): uncertainty Synonyms: turbulence, ferment Antonyms: contentment, tranquility Example Sentence: There was widespread turmoil in the city. 2. RIFT (NOUN): (दोष): a flaw, fault Synonyms: breach, fissure Antonyms: closure, agreement Example Sentence: It is a great misfortune that an internal rift

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 9 June 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 9 June 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 9 June  2018 1. Word: Unanimously (सर्वसम्मति से) Pronunciation: yoo-nan-uh-muh s-ly/यूनैनमस्ली Part of Speech: Adverb Meaning: a. without opposition; with the agreement of all people involved. Synonyms: together, with one accord Antonyms: contrastingly, barely Use in a Sentence: A representative of MPs has unanimously agreed to withdraw