Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 21 February 2019
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1. DISSEMINATE (VERB): distribute (फैला देना)
Synonyms: circulate, propagate
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example sentence:
Health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information.
2. TOTALITARIAN (ADJECTIVE): dictatorial (सर्वाधिकारवादी)
Synonyms: autocratic, tyrannical
Antonyms: democratic, partial
Example sentence:
Religions and cultures that take away the rights of women are totalitarian in nature.
3. INEXORABLE (ADJECTIVE): implacable (अनवरत)
Synonyms: inescapable, merciless
Antonyms: merciful, sympathetic
Example sentence:
In hopes of regaining their land, the army started an inexorable march through the country.
4. DECIPHER (VERB): understand (समझना)
Synonyms: construe, figure out
Antonyms: misunderstand, confuse
Example sentence:
He was deciphering me the schedule.
5. BONA FIDE (ADJECTIVE): genuine (प्रामाणिक)
Synonyms: actual, authentic
Antonyms: deceiving, deceptive
Example sentence:
I was asked for all the bona fide documents.
6. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): careful (सतर्क)
Synonyms: discreet, judicious
Antonyms: careless, negligent
Example sentence:
Rakesh is a vigilant guard.
7. FAVOUR (NOUN): approval (अनुमोदन)
Synonyms: backing, benefit
Antonyms: disfavour, opposition
Example sentence:
I They do not need any favour from you.
8. FACULTATIVE (NOUN): open to choice (ऐच्छिक)
Synonyms: unrestricted, discretionary
Antonyms: non discretionary, restricted
Example sentence:
The provisions of neither convention are obligatory, but merely facultative, amounting only to recommendations.
9. GENUFLECTION (NOUN): expression (संकेत)
Synonyms: indication, nod
Antonyms: speech, talk
Example sentence:
This is a very kind genuflection of yours.
10. MELIORATE (VERB): correct (सुधारना)
Synonyms: revise, reform
Antonyms: repress, retreat
Example sentence:
They meliorated their living standards.
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daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym,