Vocabulary of The Hindu : 18 October 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 18 October 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 18 October 2018

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

1. Word: Repercussions (प्रतिक्रिया)

Pronunciation: ree-per-kuhsh-uh n/रीप्रकशन
Part of Speech: Noun
a. an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

b. the recoil of something after impact.

Synonyms: effect, outcome, by-product
Antonyms: causes
Use in Sentence: There were serious repercussions on his career.

2. Word: Incumbent (अधिकारी/ अवलंबी)

Pronunciation: इन्कम्बन्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective/Noun
a. necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility. [Adjective]

b. the holder of an office or post. [Noun]

Synonyms: Necessary, Compulsory, Obligatory, Officeholder, Official
Antonyms: Unnecessary, optional, candidate, layman
Use in a Sentence: The incumbent manager is not happy about having to train a fresher who is taking his job

3. Word: Fray ( झगड़ा)

Pronunciation: freɪ/फ्रै
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a situation of intense competitive activity, a battle or fight.
Synonyms: brawl, scuffle, quarrel
Antonyms: agreement, harmony, tranquility
Use in a Sentence: Why should we get involved in others fray?

4. Word: Neophyte (नौसिखिया)

Pronunciation: nee-uh-fahyt/नीअफाइट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a person who is new to a subject or activity.

b. a new convert to a religion.

Synonyms: beginner, learner, novice
Antonyms: expert, maestro, professional
Use in Sentence: The neophyte must not despair of learning the rules and procedures.

5. Word: Glaring (भड़कीला, अतिस्पष्ट)

Part of Speech: Adjective
a. giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light.

b. staring fiercely or fixedly.

Pronunciation: glair-ing/ग्लेरिंग
Synonyms: flagrant, obvious
Antonyms: dim, obscure
Use in a Sentence: The report contained some glaring errors.

6. Word: Discontent (असंतुष्ट)

Pronunciation: dis-kuh n-tent/डिस्कन्टेन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances; lack of contentment.
Synonyms: unhappy, annoyed
Antonyms: happiness, satisfied
Use in a Sentence: There was an underlying current of discontent among employees.

7. Word: Disquieting (अशांत)

Pronunciation: dis-kwahy-i-ting/डिस्क्वाइइटिंग
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: inducing feelings of anxiety or worry.
Synonyms: distressing, worrisome
Antonyms: comfortable, peaceful
Use in a Sentence: The disquieting situation between the two neighbouring countries looks set to continue.

8. Word: Saddle (लाद देना)

Pronunciation: sad-l/सैडल
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: burden (someone) with an onerous responsibility or task.
Synonyms: oppress, impose
Antonyms: relieve, disintegrate
Use in a Sentence: My brother as a manager was in the saddle again.

9. Word: Mainstay (मुख्य आधार)

Pronunciation: meyn-stey/मैन्स्टै
Part of Speech: Noun
a. someone or something on which something else is based or relies.

Synonyms: support, brace, backbone
Antonyms: skeptic, undermine, believer
Use in Sentence: The man was the mainstay of the team.

10. Word: Stand-off (ड्रॉ)

Pronunciation: stand-awf, -of / स्टैन्ड ऑफ
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a deadlock between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict. / something that counterbalances.
Synonyms: Standstill, Stalemate
Antonyms: Conclusion, Decision
Use in a Sentence: The standoff between friends ended peacefully the following day.


All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

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