Vocabulary of The Hindu : 15 October 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 15 October 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 15 October 2018

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

1. VITUPERATE (VERB): criticize harshly:(निंदा करना)
Synonyms: accuse, blame
Antonyms: exonerate, exculpate
Example Sentence:
Vinta Nanda Vituperated Alok Nath for his misconduct.

2. TURPITUDE (NOUN): depravity:(भ्रष्टता)
Synonyms: corruption, criminality
Antonyms: decency, morality
Example Sentence:
Alok was sentenced to life in prison for the acts of turpitude he committed.

3. PEPSINATE (VERB): ferment:(बढ़ाना)
Synonyms: lighten, raise
Antonyms: darken, depress
Example Sentence:
One should always try to pepsinate one’s knowledge.

4. UNCTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): ingratiating:(चापलूस)
Synonyms: buttery, smarmy
Antonyms: blunt, genuine
Example Sentence:
Navneet considers me unctuous.

5. HOOK (VERB): catch:(जकड़ना)
Synonyms: clasp, lock
Antonyms: release, unhitch
Example Sentence:
He hooked a large fish.

6. WANGLE (VERB): manipulate someone:(प्राप्त कर लेना)
Synonyms: finagle, maneuver
Antonyms: abandon, discard
Example Sentence:
He wangled a free ticket to the show.

7. FLEECE (VERB): steal:(चुराना)
Synonyms: defraud, swindle
Antonyms: give, offer
Example Sentence:
He fleeced the gold coins from the pot.

8. CONCURRING (ADJECTIVE): agreeable:(एक मत होना)
Synonyms: conforming, concurring
Antonyms: disagreeable
Example Sentence:
The committee reached on to a concurring decision.

9. DISSIMULATE (VERB): disguise:(छिपाना)
Synonyms: falsify, feign
Antonyms: unmask, disclose
Example Sentence:
The little girl often dissembles her feelings.

10. UNFLAPPABLE (ADJECTIVE): cool and calm:(आसानी से विचलित न होने वाला)
Synonyms: composed, impassive
Antonyms: disconcerted, nervous
Example Sentence:
Amit is a sheer unflappable man.


All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

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daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym,

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