Vocabulary of The Hindu : 27 August 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 27 August 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 27 August  2018

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

1. Word: Introspect (आत्‍मविश्‍लेषण करना)
Pronunciation: in-truh-spekt/इन्ट्रस्पेक्ट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: examine one’s own thoughts or feelings.
Synonyms: ponder, consider
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Use in a Sentence: It is very important for all of us to introspect into our own minds.

2. Word: Imperative (आज्ञार्थक,जरूरी)
Pronunciation: im-per-uh-tiv/इम्पेरटिव
Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
a. of vital importance; crucial. [Adjective]
b. giving an authoritative command; peremptory. [Adjective]
c. an essential or urgent thing. [Noun]
Synonyms: necessary, obligatory, requisite
Antonyms: nonessential, insignificant, needless
Use in a Sentence: In an organization, a prompt reply is imperative.

3. Word: Urge (प्रेरित करना)
Pronunciation: urj/अर्ज
Part of Speech:
a. try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something. [Verb]
b. a strong desire or impulse. [Noun]
Synonyms: incite, impel
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
Use in a Sentence: The man had an urge to open a store of his own.

4. Word: Curb (नियंत्रण करना)
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
Pronunciation: kurb/कर्ब
Meaning: a check or restraint on something.
Synonyms: inhibit, hinder
Antonyms: encourage, support
Use in a Sentence: We are trying to keep a curb on their activities.

5. Word: Unabated ( बिना कमी के)
Pronunciation: uhn-uh-bey-tid/ अनबैटिड
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: without any reduction in intensity or strength.
Synonyms: relentless, incessant
Antonyms: mild, changed
Use in a Sentence: The rain continued unabated throughout the day.

6. Word: Unprecedented (बेमिसाल)
Pronunciation: uhn-pres-i-den-tid/अन्प्रेसिडेन्टिड
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: never done or known before.
Synonyms: remarkable, extraordinary, unusual
Antonyms: familiar, ordinary, usual
Use in a Sentence: In the city, crime has increased on an unprecedented scale.

7. Word: Devastate (बरबाद करना)
Pronunciation: dev-uh-steyt/ डेवस्टैट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: cause (someone) severe and overwhelming shock or grief.
Synonyms: destroyed, wrecked
Antonyms: preserved, natural
Use in a Sentence: The plantation was devastated by a typhoon.

8. Word: Cite (प्रमाण देना)
Pronunciation: sahyt/ साइट
Part of Speech: Verb
a. refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.
b. praise (someone, typically a member of the armed forces) in an official report for a courageous act.
Synonyms: quote, commend
Antonyms: hide, enclose
Use in a Sentence: Please cite my gratitude to him.

9. Word: Impair (ख़राब करना)
Pronunciation: im-pair/इम्पेर
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: weaken or damage (something, especially a faculty or function).
Synonyms: damage, vitiate
Antonyms: improve, aid
Use in a Sentence: Loud noise can impair the hearing.

10. Word: Lenient (मृदुल)
Pronunciation: lee-nee-uh nt/लीन्यन्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. (of a punishment or person in authority) more merciful or tolerant than expected.
b. mild or soothing; emollient.
Synonyms: soft, gentle
Antonyms: strict, severe
Use in a Sentence: In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

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