Vocabulary of The Hindu : 10 July 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 10 July 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 10 July  2018

All vocabulary: https://padhobeta.com/blog/category/the-hindu-word-meaning/

1. Word: Inexorable (अनमनीय)
Pronunciation: in-ek-ser-uh-buh l/इनेक्सरबल
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: impossible to stop or prevent.
Synonyms: inflexible, stubborn
Antonyms: flexible, benevolent
Use in a Sentence: The inexorable logic does not establish that the result is morally desirable.

2. Word: Unleash (उन्मुक्त करना)
Pronunciation: uhn-leesh/अन्लीश
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: cause (a strong or violent force) to be released or become unrestrained.
Synonyms: release, liberate, extricate
Antonyms: restrain, control, inhibit
Use in a Sentence: The result will unleash the raging demands for her resignation.

3. Word: Massive (विशाल)
Pronunciation: mas-iv/मैसिव
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: large and heavy or solid, exceptionally large
Synonyms: huge, enormous
Antonyms: miniature, small
Use in a Sentence: We must make massive efforts to improve it.

4. Word: Enforcement (प्रचलन)
Pronunciation: en-fawrs-muh nt/एन्फोर्स्मन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation.
Synonyms: imposition, implementation
Antonyms: dismissal, expiration
Use in a Sentence: The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws.

5. Word: Monopoly (एकाधिकार)
Pronunciation: muh-nop-uh-lee/मनापली
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
Synonyms: dominance, control
Antonyms: sharing
Use in a Sentence: The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade.

6. Word: Exonerating (विमुक्त करना)
Pronunciation: ig-zon-uh-reyt-ing/इग्ज़ानरैट
Part of Speech: Verb
a. (of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.
b. release someone from (a duty or obligation).
Synonyms: absolving, acquitting
Antonyms: convicting, blaming
Use in a Sentence: The official report basically exonerated everyone.

7. Word: Leap (उछलना)
Pronunciation: leep/लीप
Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
a. move quickly and suddenly. [Verb]
b.a forceful jump or quick movement. [Noun]
Synonyms: bound, hurdle
Antonyms: drop, decrease
Use in a Sentence: She was quick to leap to my defence.

8. Word: Poised (संतुलित)
Pronunciation: poizd/पॉइज़्ड
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. having a composed and self-assured manner.
b. having a graceful and elegant bearing.
Synonyms: confident, tranquil
Antonyms: dizzy, clumsy
Use in a Sentence: He stopped writing and looked at me, pen poised


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daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym,

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