Vocabulary of The Hindu : 24 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 24 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 24 May  2018

1. Word: Conjecture (अनुमान लगाना)
Pronunciation: kuh n-jek-cher/कन्जेक्शर
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. [Noun]
b. form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information. [Verb]
Synonyms: guess, speculation, surmise
Antonyms: proof, fact, reality
Use in a Sentence: The results show that the conjecture made by me was correct.

2. Word: Semblance (अनुरूपता)
Pronunciation: sem-bluh ns/सेम्ब्लन्स
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
Synonyms: likeness, resemblance, appearance
Antonyms: distinction, dissimilarity, difference
Use in a Sentence: Her mouth wore its usual Semblance of a smile.

3. Word: Upbeat (जोशपूर्ण)
Pronunciation: uhp-beet/अप्बीट
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: cheerful; optimistic.
Synonyms: happy, cheery, positive
Antonyms: depressed, pessimistic, gloomy
Use in a Sentence: The performance concluded on an upbeat note.

4. Word: Unprecedented (बेमिसाल)
Pronunciation: uhn-pres-i-den-tid/अन्प्रेसिडेन्टिड
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: never done or known before.
Synonyms: remarkable, extraordinary, unusual
Antonyms: familiar, ordinary, usual
Use in a Sentence: In the city, crime has increased on an unprecedentedscale.

5. Word: Lumpen (बुद्धू)
Pronunciation: luhm-puh n/लूम्पेन
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: lumpy and misshapen; ugly and ponderous.
Synonyms: unthinking, thoughtless, idiotic
Antonyms: smart, mannerable, notable
Use in a Sentence: My new neighbors seemed lumpen and boring.

6. Word: Foment (उकसाना)
Pronunciation: foh-ment/फोमेन्ट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action).
Synonyms: provoke, incite, stimulate
Antonyms: soothe, dampen, ease
Use in a Sentence: He has moved beyond simply trying to foment a revolt.

7. Word: Marred (बिगाड़ना)
Pronunciation: mahr-ड/मारड
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: impaired the quality or appearance of; spoiled.
Synonyms: damaged, defaced, blemished
Antonyms: perfect, flawless, beautified
Use in a Sentence: The report was marred by the bulk of unnecessary detail.

8. Word: Ferocity (क्रूरता)
Pronunciation: fuh-ros-i-tee/फरासिटी
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the state or quality of being savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.
Synonyms: violence, brutality, coercion
Antonyms: gentleness, friendliness, humanity
Use in a Sentence: The tiger attacked its victim with high ferocity.

9. Word: Incompetence (असमर्थता)
Pronunciation: in-kom-pi-tuh n-see/इन्काम्पिटन्स
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: inability to do something successfully; ineptitude (lack of skill or ability.)
Synonyms: inefficiency, inadequacy, ignorance
Antonyms: fitness, capability, efficiency
Use in a Sentence: He has been scolded many times for incompetence.

10. Word: Dislodge (निकाल देना)
Pronunciation: dis-loj/डिस्लाज
Part of Speech: Verb
a. knock or force out of position.
b. remove from a position of power or authority.
Synonyms: displace, eject, evict
Antonyms: attach, embed, absorb
Use in a Sentence: We need two victories to dislodge the former team from first place.

11. Word: Oust (बेदखल करना)
Pronunciation: oust/आउस्ट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place.
Synonyms: dismiss, banish, depose
Antonyms: appoint, promote, elevate
Use in a Sentence: The party needs around 200 votes to oust the government and postpone elections

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daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym, daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym,

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