Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 18 May 2018
1. Word: Audacious (अक्खड़)
Pronunciation: ऑडेशस
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
b. showing an impudent lack of respect.
Synonyms: courageous, bold, fearless
Antonyms: coward, cautious, scared
Use in a Sentence: My brother described his plan as energetic and audacious.
2. Word: Barring (के सिवाय)
Pronunciation: bahr-ing/बारिंग
Part of Speech: Proposition
Meaning: except for; if not for.
Synonyms: restraining, excluding, preventing
Antonyms: facilitating, including, allowing
Use in a Sentence: She staged in front of her daughter, barring her way.
3. Word: Ignominy (अपमान)
Pronunciation: ig-nuh-min-ee/इग्नोमिनी
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: public shame or disgrace.
Synonyms: infamy, humiliation, contempt
Antonyms: dignity, glory, reputation
Use in a Sentence: We suffered the ignominy of game defeat.
4. Word: Cede (त्याग करना)
Pronunciation: seed/सीड
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: give up (power or territory).
Synonyms: yield, surrender, relinquish
Antonyms: defend, refrain, arrogate
Use in a Sentence: The General had decided to cede power by this month.
5. Word: Contend (संघर्ष करना)
Pronunciation: kuh n-tend/कन्टेन्ड
Part of Speech: Verb
a. assert something as a position in an argument.
b. struggle to surmount (a difficulty).
Synonyms: argue, wrangle, dispute
Antonyms: agree, accord, harmonize
Use in a Sentence: The victim contends that it was not his fault.
6. Word: Presumably (संभवतः)
Pronunciation: pri-zoo-muh-blee/प्रीज़ूमब्ली
Part of Speech: Adverb
Meaning: used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.
Synonyms: probably, unquestionably, indubitably
Antonyms: hardly, unlikely, doubtless
Use in a Sentence: Before the philanthropist died, he presumably changed his will and left all of his money to charity.
7. Word: Wilt (मुरझाना, शक्ति खोना)
Pronunciation: विल्ट
Part of Speech: Verb
a. to become limp and drooping, as a fading flower; wither.
b. to lose strength, vigor, assurance, etc.:
Synonyms: languish, dwindle, diminish
Antonyms: rise, flourish
Use in a Sentence: Although Shalini loves fresh flowers, she won’t buy them because they wilt so quickly.
8. Word: Solace (सांत्वना)
Pronunciation: sol-is/सोलिस
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness. [Noun]
b. give solace to. [Verb]
Synonyms: sympathy, condolence, mitigate
Antonyms: worry, anguish, agony
Use in a Sentence: The tired man found solace in listening music.
9. Word: Reverberation (प्रतिक्षेप)
Pronunciation: ri-vur-buh-rey-shuh n /रीवर्बरैशन
Part of Speech: Noun
a. prolongation of a sound; resonance.
b. a continuing effect; a repercussion.
Synonyms: echo, replication, reflex
Antonyms: silence, quietness, stillness
Use in a Sentence: My home shook with the reverberation of the bomb blast.
10. Word: Reinforce (समर्थन करना)
Pronunciation: ree-in-fawrs/रीइन्फोर्स
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: strengthen or support (an object, substance, an existing feeling, idea, or habit), especially with additional material.
Synonyms: fortify, intensify, boost
Antonyms: weaken, undermine, discourage
Use in a Sentence: She hardly reinforces an unfortunate deal by repeating it.
11. Word: Implications (अनुमान)
Pronunciation: im-pli-key-shuh n/ इम्प्लकैशन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
Synonyms: deductions, effects, indications
Antonyms: measurement, proof
Use in a Sentence: Think very carefully about all the implications, before you make your move.
12. Word: Consensus (सामंजस्य)
Pronunciation: kuh n-sen-suh s/कन्सेन्सस
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a general agreement or concord; harmony.
Synonyms: accordance, unanimity
Antonyms: argument, conflict, controversy
Use in a Sentence: After two days of the continuous meeting, no consensus has been made.
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