Vocabulary of The Hindu : 04 May 2018

Vocabulary of The Hindu : 04 May 2018

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu | 04 May  2018

1. Word: Rumble (गड़गड़ाना)
Pronunciation: ruhm-buh l/ रम्बल
Part of Speech: Verb, NounMeaning:
a. make a continuous deep, resonant sound. [Verb]
b. a street fight between gangs or large groups. [Noun]
Synonyms: thunders, grumbles, buzzes
Antonyms: silences
Use in a Sentence: On a rainy day, we could hear the rumble of lightning thunder.

2. Word: Volatility (अस्थिरता)
Pronunciation: vol-ti- lity/वालटिलिटी
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
Synonyms: fickleness, inconstancy, variability, irregularity
Antonyms: steadiness, permanence, stability
Use in a Sentence: The volatility of the top performers can astonish you.

3. Word: Reminiscent (संस्मरणशील)
Pronunciation:rem-uh-nis-uh nt/ रेमनिसन्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: tending to remind one of something.
Synonyms: Remindful, Suggestive, recalling
Antonyms: oblivious forgetful, mindless
Use in a Sentence: The way she laughed was strongly reminiscent of my mother.

4. Word: Tapering (कम होना)
Pronunciation: tey-per-ing/ टैपरिंग
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end.
Synonyms: narrowing, decreasing, contraction, acuminate
Antonyms: widening, expanding, increasing
Use in a Sentence: My cousin’s interest in English seems to be tapering off.

5. Word: Turbulence (अशांति)
Pronunciation: tur-byuh-luh ns/ टर्ब्युलन्स
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a state of conflict or confusion.
Synonyms: disturbance, agitation, turmoil Antonyms: calmness, serenity, tranquility
Use in a Sentence: Yesterday, I had a very smooth journey with no turbulence at all.

6. Word: Somnolent (निद्रालु)
Pronunciation: som-nuh-luh nt/ साम्नलन्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: causing sleepiness, not alert
Synonyms: sleepy, drowsy, lethargic
Antonyms: awake, alert, cautious
Use in a Sentence: The sedatives taken during viral infection often makes me somnolent.

7. Word: Buttress (मज़बूत बना)
Pronunciation: buh-tris/ बट्रिस
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce.
Synonyms: support, bolster, strengthen
Antonyms: degrade, weaken, curtail
Use in a Sentence: It is advised to buttress the points you had mentioned in the application form.

8. Word: Hawkish (युद्धकारी)
Pronunciation: haw-kish/ हॉकिश
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: advocating an aggressive or warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs.
Synonyms: warlike, combative, belligerent, hostile
Antonyms: pacifist, peaceful, friendly
Use in a Sentence: The employees of the company were hawkish on the new leave policy.

9. Word: Akin (एक समान)
Pronunciation: uh-kin/ ऐकिन
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: of similar character.
Synonyms: alike, identical, equivalent
Antonyms: dissimilar, contradictory, inconsistent
Use in a Sentence: Listening to her life story was akin to reading a good adventurous novel.

10.Word: Conducive (सहयाता देनवाला)
Pronunciation: kuh n-doo-siv/ कन्डूसिव
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.
Synonyms: contributory, helpful, advantageous
Antonyms: hindering, adverse, malignant
Use in a Sentence: Sometimes, the homely environment is not conducive to do office work

11. Word: Detrimental (हानिकारक)
Pronunciation: de-truh-men-tl/डेट्रमेन्टल
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: tending to cause harm.
Synonyms: harmful, injurious, pernicious
Antonyms: convenient, favorable, beneficial
Use in a Sentence: We all know that smoking is detrimental to your health.

12. Word: Rally (संगठन/संभलना)
Pronunciation: रैली
Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
a. recover or cause to recover in health, spirits, or poise. [Verb]
b. a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause. [Noun]
Synonyms: recover, improve, summon, gather
Antonyms: weaken, decay, scatter
Use in a Sentence: The party was going to hold a rally next month to elect their new president.

13. Word: Adhere (दृढ़ रहना)
Pronunciation: ad-heer/ ऐड्हीर
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: believe in and follow the practices of/stick fast to
Synonyms: cling, stick, cohere Antonyms: separate, apart, alienate
Use in a Sentence: The glue is used to make one surface adhere to another.

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daily vocabulary, Vocab The Hindu, word meaning from the Hindu, word meaning the Hindu with antonym and synonym,

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